Aloha: Kauai Edition

Aaaloooohaaaa!!! Aloha is more than just hello…it’s the Hawaiian word for love, affection, peace, compassion and mercy, that is commonly used as a simple greeting but has a deeper cultural and spiritual significance to native Hawaiians…thanks Wikipedia 😉 On this little island of Kauai, also known as the “The Garden Island,” you get the sense of the deep meaning of Aloha from its residents.

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Neutral Territory

In typical Houston fashion, we got a just a taste of cooler fall temps for a couple of days but we’re back in the high 70s (and even low 80s). You can never put away your entire summer wardrobe down here but we are getting a nice break from that humidity. We’re having our best hair and makeup days right now!

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Florals: Beyond Spring & Summer

Continuing with the theme of fashion that works no matter the season, I love using my floral prints to put together a great fall look. Typically associated with spring and summer, you can do so much with floral in the fall. Those pretty flowers can be effortlessly transitioned into your fall wardrobe…. and an added plus, your bank account will thank you for it. Nothing like investing in pieces that you can use more than one season. Keep reading to see how to make use of some of your favorite floral pieces past spring and summer.

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